The Use of a Novel Endotracheal Tube and
Airway Management System to Prevent
Complications in Lung Transplantation
Vivian Hernandez-Torres, Robert Ratzlaff, Mathew Thomas, Tathagat Narula, Archer K. Martin
A key component of the perioperative management of lung transplant recipients is the avoidance of airway and pulmonary complications in the immediate postoperative period. The AnapnoGuardTM AG100s (Hospitech Respiration Ltd, Kfar Saba, Israel), a novel endotracheal tube and ventilation management system, holds the potential to assist the care team in attenuating complications related to excessive cuff pressure, subglottic secretions, and endobronchial intubation. In this report, we describe the successful use of the AnapnoGuardTM AG100s system in the postoperative management of a lung transplant recipient.

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